Explore Eat Essex Returns from Oct. 15 – Nov. 30 – Call for Participants

Explore Eat Essex Returns from Oct. 15 – Nov. 30 – Call for Participants September 23, 2021
explore eat essex

Explore Eat Essex is returning from October 15 to November 30 and we are looking for restaurants and food service providers within the Town of Essex who are interested in participating.

  • For every $25 spend at a participating partners, diners receive a ballot entry for a grand prize draw of a gift basket filled with donated gift cards.
  • Participating restaurants and food service providers must provide a gift card/prize for the gift basket and display at their location event promotional materials that will be provided.

If interested in participating, please email broles@essex.ca to indicate your interest by Friday October 8. Please include name of business, address, phone and name of primary contact.

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